Q. What is Dacryocystitis?

It is the inflammation/infection of the lacrimal sac due to a block in the normal lacrimal drainage system, this constitutes normal path of the tear drainage. This is a worrisome condition causing constant watering and discharge from the eyes.

Q. What is Ptosis?

This is the drooping/fall of the upper eyelid from its normal position either since birth or that develops later in life or after injury to eye. In this condition the eye looks small. If severe, it hampers a person’s vision.

Q. What is Entropion or Ectropion?

These are abnormalities of the lid with either the inward rolling (entropion) of the lid margin or its outward rolling (ectropion). These cause constant watering and irritation of the eyes and at times can cause white discoloration of the cornea and thus obstruction is normal vision.

Q. What is Thyroid Eye Disease?

In those with abnormal thyroid levels, changes occur in the tissues and muscles surrounding your eyes causing them to bulge. This can lead to forward bulging of eyeballs/proptosis, dryness of the eyes, and restriction in eyelid and eye movements. In some cases, the optic nerve may also be compressed causing a decrease in the vision.

Q. What are Orbital Fractures?

In case of injuries to the face the walls of the socket holding the eye are fractured leading to displacement of the eye. The eye might look small in this condition and can also have compromised movements of the eye.